SCROLL A Layer 2 Project || Next $SUI?

Today $SCR listed on binance. Scroll is providing scalability to Ethereum to lower transaction fees. That is its main motto. Here are more details in depth. Topics we will discuss:

  • Ethereum Blockchain Issues
  • zk-Rollup & Scroll
  • Three-Layer Architecture of Scroll zkRollup
  • Transaction Lifecycle in Scroll
  • Heart of Scroll Technology
  • Use Cases of Scroll
  • Main Purpose Of Scroll

Ethereum Blockchain Issues

Ethereum has been a pioneer in the blockchain space since its conception, providing decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contract functionality to an ever-evolving ecosystem. Yet, as more and more people use the Ethereum network it is being plagued with tough issues like soaring gas fees for transactions; the congestion leads to delays. These new solutions are often referred to as Layer 2 scaling solutions that help in solving these issues while remaining secure and decentralized, the likes of which Scroll is coming up with. Scrolls is a general-purpose, ETH compatible zero-knowledge rollup-scalability solution that addresses the current lack of zkp scalability in Ethereum while still upholding Ethereum ethical principals.

zk-Rollup & Scroll

Filipe tests out the power of Rollups to reduce transaction burdens on Ethereum’s Layer 1 (L1) chain. Rollups bundle off-chain transactions, execute them and then re-post compressed data on chain to help with faster payment processing. But to remain decentralized and secure the off-chain computations must be validated. Enter zero-knowledge proofs (zk-proofs) which can validate off-chain computations without revealing any details of the transaction.

Livy Cataudella/how Scroll uses zk-rollup technology via its zkEVM design to create a single scaling solution with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). As a standard on the Ethereum platform, it allows Scroll to work with existing smart contracts running on ethereum whilst improving transaction throughput and slashing costs. The Scroll zkEVM ensures that Ethereum’s robust security model is maintained, while transactions are processed faster, with lower gas fees.

Three-Layer Architecture of Scroll zkRollup

Scrolls architecture consist of:

  • Settlement Layer:This is the layer Scroll talks to Ethereum. Provides data availability & zk proof validity send messages and assets to / from Ethereum <> Scroll.
  • Sequence Layer: Executes the transactions sent to Scroll network. The former node processes transactions, subsequent to which the latter batches and submits proofs of those transaction to Ethereum for finality. This allows for the efficient processing of large volumes of transactions off-chain.
  • Proving Layer: The Proving Layer generates zk-proofs for the transactions executed in the Sequencing Layer. A coordinator manages these provers, dispatching tasks, and ensuring that the transaction proofs are verified and submitted to Ethereum.

This multi-layer design ensures that Scroll zkRollup maintains both scalability and security while operating in parallel with Ethereum’s mainnet.

Transaction Lifecycle in Scroll

The Scroll transaction lifecycle consists of three phases:

  • Confirmation: A transaction is submitted to either the L1 bridge contract or the L2 sequencer, where it is executed and included in an L2 block.
  • Commitment: The transactions are then batched and committed to L1. Once finalized in the L1 blocks, the transactions in this batch are considered committed.
  • Finalization: The final step involves generating a zk-proof for the batch, which is verified and finalized on L1, making the transactions part of Scroll’s canonical chain.

This lifecycle ensures the secure execution of transactions while reducing the load on Ethereum’s L1, offering a faster and more cost-efficient alternative for users.

Heart of Scroll’s Technology

The zkEVM (zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine) is at the core of Scroll’s technology. It enables the generation of zk-proofs for Ethereum-like transactions, maintaining full compatibility with existing Ethereum tools and applications. This compatibility is a significant advantage, as developers can migrate their dApps from Ethereum to Scroll without modifications, while benefiting from improved scalability.

Scroll’s zkEVM has been developed in collaboration with the Privacy and Scaling Explorations (PSE) team and utilizes the Halo2 proving system. This collaboration ensures that Scroll is at the cutting edge of zk-proofs technology, benefiting from the latest research and innovations.

Scroll’s zkEVM is designed for hardware optimization, using GPU provers to accelerate proof generation. This approach allows Scroll to handle higher transaction volumes with reduced latency, making it a highly scalable solution for decentralized applications.

Use Cases of Scroll

Scroll’s zkEVM offers several key advantages over traditional Layer 2 solutions:

  1. Cost Efficiency: By aggregating transactions off-chain and reducing gas fees, Scroll provides a cost-effective alternative for Ethereum users.
  2. Scalability: The zk-rollup architecture enables Scroll to process a large number of transactions while maintaining security and decentralization.
  3. Compatibility: Scroll’s zkEVM is fully compatible with the Ethereum ecosystem, allowing dApp developers to migrate their applications seamlessly.
  4. Enhanced Security: zk-proofs ensure that off-chain computations are validated, maintaining the security of the Ethereum network without introducing additional trust assumptions.

Scroll’s use cases extend beyond simple transactions. The protocol can be used to create highly secure bridges, enable verifiable vulnerability reports for dApps, and support complex decentralized applications requiring scalability and security.

Main Purpose Of Scroll

Scroll represents a significant leap forward in Ethereum scaling solutions. By leveraging zkEVM technology and optimizing hardware performance, Scroll offers a secure, scalable, and efficient rollup solution for Ethereum users. Its seamless integration with the Ethereum ecosystem, combined with its ability to lower transaction costs and increase throughput, positions Scroll as a transformative force in the blockchain space.

As the Ethereum ecosystem continues to grow, solutions like Scroll will play a crucial role in ensuring that the network remains scalable, secure, and accessible to a broader audience of users and developers.

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