CFT's Convocation (23-July-2023)

Dear CFT Course Students B1, B2, & B3,

I hope this intimation finds you in good health and high spirits. On behalf of the CFT (Crypto & Forex Trading) course graduates of Emerging Waves by P4 Provider Institute, I am delighted to extend an open invitation to you to join us at our upcoming Certificate and Prize Distribution Ceremony.

As a valued member of our community, we would be honored to have you attend this special event, which will take place on 23-July-2023 at 11AM in the Circle Club located at Kashmir Rd, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. The ceremony aims to celebrate the accomplishments of our talented graduates who have successfully completed the CFT course and have shown remarkable dedication to their financial studies.

During the event, we will be awarding certificates to the graduates in recognition of their exceptional proficiency in the field of financial studies. Furthermore, we have arranged prizes and accolades to acknowledge outstanding achievements in various categories, which will serve as a testament to the hard work and commitment demonstrated by our graduates.

The ceremony promises to be an enlightening and inspiring experience, featuring speeches by esteemed industry experts who will shed light on the significance and application of financial technical analysis in today’s dynamic financial landscape. It will also provide a wonderful networking opportunity, allowing attendees to connect with accomplished professionals and forge valuable relationships within the industry.

Your presence at this event would be highly valued, as it would not only motivate our graduates but also contribute to the overall success and impact of the ceremony. We encourage you to attend and show your support for the next generation of financial technicians who are poised to make a difference in their respective fields.

Please fill the below form to confirm your attendance. We understand that your schedule may be busy, and if you are unable to attend, we would appreciate a response indicating your regrets.

Thank you for considering our open invitation. We eagerly anticipate your presence at the Certificate and Prize Distribution Ceremony as we celebrate the achievements of our CFT course graduates. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Warm regards,
HM Tanveer (CEO) & Team


Last Date to Fill the Form: 08-July-2023

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